About Us
In recognition of the growing need for reliable, expert community Nursing services in the Colombo area, English Nursing Care Services was established in 2017.
As we developed our service, we were encouraged to add specialist Nursing services alongside Nursing care for the elderly.
An English management team developed our training program and methodology. This training was delivered to our Nurse Supervisors in March 2017 and our first Nurse Assistants commenced training at the end of April 2017.
Our UK supervising team was completed in May 2017 with the addition of a Sri Lankan based UK experienced Nurse and a further UK based Nurse with a Diploma in Tropical medicine.
The support of Dr KD Duminda, as a Visiting Consultant Physician, practising in Colombo has been key in adapting our services for the Sri Lankan setting and in identifying areas where we can add complementary Nursing services to the existing excellent facilities in Colombo.
We are passionate about developing a service that we can all be proud of and which serves those in need of home Nursing in Sri Lanka.
Our Management Team
Richard Gould, Managing Director
Mr Gould is a graduate of Durham University and Sandhurst Military Academy in UK. He has attended Senior Management training in the US, and has a Level 5 Diploma in the Leadership for Health and Social Care from City and Guilds UK. He has established and managed an eldercare company in the UK, TerraBlu Homecare since 2002. TerraBlu Homecare has delivered Nursing services to children, adults with disabilities, adults with learning difficulties and older people in Kent and Sussex. Rated Excellent for its care services in 2008, in 2009 it won the Large Company Innovation Prize at the local Business Awards for work done on staff training.
Fiona Eccles, Director of Nursing.
Mrs Eccles has over 30 years’ experience as a Registered Nurse having trained at St George’s, one of the leading London hospitals with an international reputation for cardiac care and research. Mrs Eccles served in the British Army Nursing Corps, working in busy Medical Centres. More recently she has both managed and commissioned a number of care and Nursing homes looking after the frail elderly, those with acquired brain injury and long term life affecting disorders.
Ivanka Fonseka, General Manager
Mrs Fonseka, qualified in marketing before working in various roles in the Pharmaceutical industry for 15 years. For the last 3 years she has worked in the service sector managing large teams of staff. Mrs Fonseka has a strong social commitment to caring for the elderly and sick and in serving Sri Lanka, by establishing a quality standard in home Nursing that we can all be proud of.
Visiting Consultant Physician
Dr K D Duminda
Dr Duminda is a Consultant Physician at the Army Hospital Colombo. He has an extensive experience practice alongside his Army Hospital work with the leading private hospitals in Colombo. He worked as Medical Registrar at the North West General Hospital in Tasmania. He was also part of the team responsible for establishing the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit at Nawaloka Hospital in Colombo. Dr Duminda provides visiting advice, support and review of our medical protocols.
Our Services
When requested to provide our Nursing services, we will arrange a mutually convenient date to meet the client and their family members in order to conduct a comprehensive assessment of what services are required.
We will then be able to advise you on how we can meet your needs and document this in a Care Plan for our staff to follow. After receipt of signed documentation and payment we can commence our service of Nursing support.
We have a network of partners that may be called on to provide complementary services.
We see our practice as a team of skilled professionals able to develop bespoke packages of Nursing support to meet your needs.
Do contact us on 011 4500117 to discuss your specific needs, and we will be happy to help.
Nursing Services
Our team of trained nurses are available to deliver a wide range of Nursing services in your own home.
Our Nurses will carry out an initial healthcheck when our service starts.
Our Nursing team will conduct regular review meetings once our service has commenced. The frequency of these review meetings will depend on family wishes and the level of Nursing support required by you.
Our Nursing team is also able to carry out a range of Nursing procedures according to your needs, which can be discussed during your assessment.
We are firm believers that home is where the heart is.
After our initial assessment and healthcheck, our team will establish the level of support that you require.
Assistance with getting up in the mornings, washing with dignity and privacy, assisting with medication regimes, dressing, assisting with feeding and companionship are all part of our service.
Our Nurse Assistants are also trained in basic physio techniques and exercises to promote patient health and mobility. They are also trained in an overview of many age related conditions such as dementia , stroke and diabetes. They have all undergone First Aid training and are certified First Aiders.
Our trained Nurse Assistants are there to give your loved one the very best support.
Our unique English Rose Club, to which all clients are members will be a welcome addition to their routine offering varied trips out of the home, subject to patient safety, as well as informational talks and events for family members.
Peace of mind for family, dignified compassionate care for the client – this is what we seek to provide.
Managed Maid Eldercare
Many families have a trusted maid who has served the family well for some time, but this maid is now providing untrained eldercare. We have developed our unique Managed Maid service in order to deliver excellent practical training to allow your maid to provide basic eldercare. Should the family medical needs increase over time, you can access our home nursing professionals.
We will carry out a detailed care assessment at your home and draw up a bespoke training plan for your maid. This plan will be agreed with you and delivered by our visiting nurse.
After the initial training period an ongoing supervision and training program is put in place.
Our Managed Maid Eldercare service is a great value solution to eldercare in your own home. It minimises disruption to the household, whilst providing your maid with the additional skills to support the elderly.
Diabetes Care
We can support clients with diabetes to manage their care comfortably at home.
We would advocate a weekly healthcheck assessment from one of our Nurses, who would liaise with your health consultant on an agreed basis. We can then put in place a regime of support from physio/exercise to diet as well as blood sugar monitoring to ensure the best care possible.
Our Nurse assistants are trained in an overview of diabetes, the importance of mealtime regime and contents, and First Aid trained including action to take in the event of hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia.
Our Nurse assistants are also trained in foot care and the importance of this in the management of diabetes.
Our team will provide an excellent Nursing service in the management of your diabetes at home.
We will establish with you how you would like our staff to respond in an emergency situation. This will include how to liaise with designated family members, your Consultant Physician and hospital preferences and your existing ambulance arrangements if you have them
This detail will be documented in our assessment and Care plan.
In the event of an emergency our staff with your client would enact the agreed emergency protocol. In addition they would call our staff on call coordinator, who would liaise with our Company Consultant Physician who will provide immediate advice to our team and your family if required.
In the event our staff are not in attendance then the patient or family member can activate the emergency response number in our designated Care Plan documentation.
Once admitted to hospital, we can provide support within the hospital at the request of the family or patient. Further we would liaise with the patient and their family and Consultant to effect a speedy discharge back home when requested.
Support in Hospital
Our Nursing team can support you whilst you are in hospital.
Our Nurse Assistants can provide caring support to your bedside, when family members are unavailable. We can assist with feeding, trips to the bathroom, summoning the hospital Nursing staff and other tasks that may be required to give you peace of mind and ensure the very best hospital stay.
Our Nurse team can liaise with the Hospital Nursing team and Consultant Physicians to facilitate your early discharge from hospital when you wish, by putting in place arrangements for your discharge into a safe home environment, where you can continue your recovery.
Finally in cases of complex care, our Nurse team can liaise with your Consultant and Hospital Nurses on your future treatment routine and preferences. We can also facilitate your return trips to OPD or Hospital for follow up treatment.
Quality Assurance
The quality of our service delivery and your satisfaction with our Nursing is at the heart of our company.
Our Initial care assessment will set out your Nursing preferences and requirements. This is then discussed with the Nursing team and the relevant staff are assigned to your care. Our assessment forms the basis of our detailed care delivery as well as our emergency response. It is reviewed with the client and family members six monthly and more often when required.
Your Nurse healthcheck conducted at the start of our care delivery is reviewed with our in house Consultant Physician for any unforeseen issues and your general health. It is then reviewed weekly during your Nurse visit, and details are recorded in your Client Medical Passport that is available for you to take on hospital visits to provide clinicians with important background information on your general health.
All new clients are discussed on our weekly Nursing coordination call with the UK and our UK Nursing Director and her staff. Complex care cases are also raised for specialist UK Nursing input where required. This call also updates staff on the latest UK Nursing protocols where relevant.
Our Nurses will carry out spot checks on clients and Nursing staff to ensure that our service is meeting our clients requirements and is of the correct standard. UK nurses will also carry out these checks alongside local staff at periods during the year.
Where there is a need for particularly complex Nursing support, our ability to undertake such care will be reviewed by our UK Director of Nursing. Detailed protocols will then be agreed with our UK Nursing team, and reviewed weekly during our Nursing Management call. Local Nursing staff will in addition liaise with hospital Nursing teams and Hospital Consultants where required.
Our Nurse training, protocols and working methodology are all overseen by our UK Nursing team. These matters are discussed weekly between our in country and UK Nursing team. Frequent Nurse visits are conducted in Sri Lanka by our UK Nurse team.
Our Staff
Our service is at the end of the day only as good as the staff that deliver our Nursing care. When we recruit our staff we look not only at their qualifications and past experience, but at their attitude, character and compassion. We expect our staff to not only deliver excellent Nursing care, but also to brighten the day of our client. Our service is a celebration of life, and our staff are an essential part of that.
Excellent caring clinical skills, together with reliability, integrity and a sense of humour.
Our Training
Our nurses all have Sri Lankan Government Nurse registration. They then undertake further training in Home Nursing techniques and protocols, and the delivery and management of our Nursing care overseen by our UK Director of Nursing. Specialist training in woundcare and the Nursing of long term conditions is undertaken where required.
Our Nurse Assistants come from a range of backgrounds. Some will have worked in eldercare Nursing settings, others have completed a one year Nurse training course, others completed NAITA training courses. All our staff undertake a Company Induction program in Home Nursing, which may last up to one month delivered by our Nurse Trainers.
This training includes UK based training in the delivery of person centred care, in administering medication, moving and handling and the use of the latest equipment such as hoists and slide sheets, UK safeguarding and Mental Capacity training. Further all staff undergo training in hospitality to ensure our clients are supported in their home as they would expect. Further training in basic physiotherapy techniques, and First Aid training is completed.
All staff are expected to follow a plan of continuous improvement and competency. For our nurses this involves further specialist certification. For our Nurse Assistants this involves a range of modules to ensure that they achieve the relevant NAITA accreditation in Nurse Assistant or City and Guilds accreditation.
The Rewards of Working for Us
We hope that working for UK based English Nursing will be the most rewarding choice you ever made.
As well as being well paid, with transparent working practices, good opportunity for overtime and good holiday allowances, you will become a valued member of our team.
After a comprehensive training program you will be given your free uniforms and Nurse Assistant cap and assigned to a team and to a hostel if you require accommodation.
Teamwork is at the heart of what we do. You will have a weekly team meeting in your hostel to discuss care matters and update training. In addition each week you will receive a Nurse supervision visit to you at your clients home, as well as a quarterly supervision to help you deliver of your best.
A training plan for your progression will be developed by your manager, that will identify your interests and areas to progress your training and qualifications.
We believe that you can only give your best to our clients if you feel well looked after. So our hostels are a home from home. They are much less crowded than is usual with garden space, TV cooking area, nice common room and a supervising matron. Each week we have a meal with management to relax and discuss any concerns that have arisen during the week.
There are a range of staff benefits to help you make the most of your time and support your family and loved ones, from exercise sessions, school scholarships schemes, a subsidised scooter purchase program and an employee of the month reward scheme.
Above all you will be part of a UK based Nursing company delivering the best care to satisfied clients.
Opportunities Abroad
Once you have completed a period of satisfactory service in our Sri Lanka Nursing service you will be eligible to put your name forward for employment in one of our foreign locations from UK to Singapore, subject to visa requirements.
Non Residents
When you are far away from loved ones, managing their care can be a daunting prospect. We hope to make it easier for you and your loved ones. We are happy to discuss care packages by Whatsapp and conduct the assessment with your loved one in Colombo with your online participation. We arrange the home Nursing package that you wish and then provide you with fortnightly reports on the care delivered to your family member. Your loved one will be enrolled automatically in our English Rose Club, allowing them to participate in a range of events and outings, subject to their health.
Payment can be taken by credit card, so there is no worry about your loved one having to handle the costs of their care.
We are always happy to update you on your loved one’s care. We are only a phone call away.
We will ensure your peace of mind and your family’s care, leaving you to enjoy making contact when you can.
Lorem Ipsum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed in urna vel ante mollis tincidunt. Donec nec magna condimentum tortor laoreet lobortis. Nunc accumsan sapien eu tortor fringilla, et condimentum metus pellentesque. Maecenas rhoncus tortor nec mi congue aliquet. Integer eu turpis scelerisque, iaculis magna non, tempor sem. Quisque consectetur nisi eu felis euismod, sit amet faucibus justo molestie. Ut pretium sapien dui, id facilisis metus interdum pharetra.
Etiam scelerisque lacus tempor, rhoncus diam vel, gravida felis. Fusce tristique sem et leo aliquam vulputate. Ut eget orci in sapien commodo fringilla. Ut luctus faucibus viverra. Quisque ut ante eget libero rutrum imperdiet. Morbi in diam bibendum, venenatis arcu sed, consequat libero. Nulla imperdiet, ipsum et adipiscing pulvinar, nibh metus porta mauris, et vestibulum dolor sapien sit amet justo. In dignissim leo nec erat faucibus volutpat.
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Sed auctor urna mi, sed fringilla felis vulputate nec. Cras eu nibh id quam pretium convallis. Donec ante enim, placerat nec sagittis sit amet, tempor in velit. Maecenas ultricies commodo lacus id porta. Suspendisse eros elit, lacinia vitae erat vitae, egestas accumsan nunc. Maecenas dictum odio ipsum, non volutpat erat consequat tempor. Pellentesque sed malesuada turpis. Quisque eget lacus sit amet dui feugiat molestie sit amet eget purus. Morbi eget neque nec lectus tempus sagittis nec at ante.
Etiam scelerisque lacus tempor, rhoncus diam vel, gravida felis. Fusce tristique sem et leo aliquam vulputate. Ut eget orci in sapien commodo fringilla. Ut luctus faucibus viverra. Quisque ut ante eget libero rutrum imperdiet. Morbi in diam bibendum, venenatis arcu sed, consequat libero. Nulla imperdiet, ipsum et adipiscing pulvinar, nibh metus porta mauris, et vestibulum dolor sapien sit amet justo. In dignissim leo nec erat faucibus volutpat.
We hope that you will find our prices represent good value for you or your family member.
Please do call us to discuss your requirements and how we can tailor a package of services for your requirements.
Prior to commencing a service you will receive a detailed pricing quotation for the service agreed.
At English Nursing Care we ensure that all staff is ready to take on shifts at our clients houses (duty points). There are set procedures that our team needs to follow and is strictly overseen by our supervising team to ensure that our teams and client’s safety comes first. This includes ensuring that our staff is fit for duty and their family situation is all clear. We then have our team take an antigen test before they visit or are stationed at a client’s house. If the antigen test is clear the nursing/care staff is transported directly to their duty point in a sanitized and safe company trishaw. These expenses are all borne by English Nursing Care, to ensure our team and our clients are safe at all times.
At English Nursing Care when our staff first arrive at the stationed duty point; as they enter the premises they wash and change to fresh untouched uniform and wash the outfit they arrived in. Thereafter our team member puts on the required PPE and footwear to mitigate any risk of infection to both the patient and them. Please note we have educated our staff to always ensure they thoroughly re-sanitize and wear PPE when attending to all tasks related to personal care of client, this has always been a practice at English Nursing Care. If the premises have other members, our nursing/care staff limit contact and maintain safe social distancing, whilst wearing PPE. If they are to revisit patient for personal care, re-sanitization and PPE change is conducted to ensure full safety measures are in process.
Given the current COVID-19 climate; at English Nursing Care we wish to limit staff rotation and exposure i.e. 12 hour duties will not be functional. Our 24 hour facilities are in full operation, as staff are stationed at one location for an extended time period and exposure is limited to both the patient and our team member. Nevertheless, all services will be upheld at optimal quality; pill box will be refilled for extended periods etc. All non-essential supervisor visits are suspended, unless there is an emergency or an impending doctors visit the patient needs to attend.
As COVID-19 cases have risen significantly; we urge and request clients to minimize visitors at their homes. This is purely to ensure the client is given the best healthcare in a safe and comfortable environment. If there is a circumstance as such; we encourage personal to take a PCR test prior to their visit, undergo a thorough sanitization process, ensure they are wearing proper facemasks/ shields and all precautionary measures to ensure the client and our staff are safe at all times.
All clients diagnosed with COVID-19 will be administered as per the government health guidelines. As per their symptoms, they will be categorized either in level 1, 2 or 3 and taken to the intermediate care centers, COVID-19 designated divisional/base hospital of their choice or COVID-19 designated tertiary care hospital of their choice to ensure their full safety and recovery process is set in place.
At English Nursing Care to ensure optimal client safety we are minimizing contact with any and all personal. Our Nurse Supervisor will take an antigen test before visiting the premises of a client. If the antigen test is clear, they will be transported via fully sanitized and safe transportation to the duty point. A complete re-sanitization and PPE change will be performed before entering the client’s premises. The supervisor, will then perform all relevant tasks such as pill box refilling, for an extended time period of up to three weeks, thus, keeping our clients and staff safe. If there is an emergency situation our Nurse Supervisor will visit the given duty point performing all precautionary tasks as required.
With the current prevailing Covid-19 restrictions in the country this has been a challenge for our team. But at English Nursing Care we like to work around problems and have secured a roster of doctors and other medical professionals that work with us both online and offline. Should a client/patient need to consult a doctor we first identify if the consultation could be done via telephone, if so we proceed with an audio consultation, if not then we make the necessary arrangements in the safest method that the patient is not exposed. Our team of nurses also make every effort to ensure all medication required by the patient is full-filled.
You can reach us to discuss any aspect of our services by email at: info@englishnursing.com
You can call us at:
You can visit us at the office by appointment at:
173/19/1/1 Polhengoda, Narahenpita
Colombo 05
We look forward to assisting you with your home Nursing needs.

Government Approved Home Nursing Care Service
Registered with PHRC

We take the threat of Covid very seriously . All our staff receive free PPE and training in its use. Our staff follow a rigorous infection control procedure. All staff receive testing prior to return to duty points, and a vaccination plan for staff is currently underway. If you have any further questions please call on 011 4500117.
Thank you.